Sunday, October 7, 2012

NZ backhaul links more competitive

New Zealand’s Commerce Commission released today a study that puts 95% of regional backhaul links, and 75% of relevant local backhaul links, as competitive, which means they are now less subject to regulation, and presents better broadband deals for customers.
Telecom providers rely on backhaul service to deliver transmission capacity used in voice and broadband applications and services. According to New Zealand’s Telecommunications Users Association, the increased competition should result in cheaper internet rates and improve data caps in broadband services.
Experts attribute the increased competition from the separation with Telecom in November of last year. Others also pinpoint the increasing number of investment seen on backhaul networks by other telecom players.
The annual competition review by the Commerce Commission focused on backhaul services for unbundled bitstream access or UBA , unbundled copper local loop or UCLL, and unbundled copper low frequency (UCLF).
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